Linode主机品牌可能即将谢幕 未来将会融入到Akamai 云服务

这几年我们提到Akamai收购Linode 巩固云服务器CDN和安全解决方案,近日打开Linode云服务商官网的时候是不是看到从开始标注Akamai旗下的云主机产品,再到完全将Linode Logo更换,直接采用Akamai这个品牌,当然目前看域名还是保留着,未来不清楚是否会直接跳转合并到Akamai。我们很多老站长应该知道的,Linode服务商曾经贵不可及的产品,如今也沦落到被收购的地步。这个品牌应该在去年还是前年的时候被Akamai收购。

Akamai 服务商我们玩海外CDN的应该知道,是一个老牌的CDN服务商还是有实力的。正好收购Linode产品可以整合提高云服务的市场。从产品上看,Linode比我们熟悉的VULTRDigitalOcean等商家老牌和优秀,但是后续发展动力不足,逐渐的市场被瓜分。尤其是他们守着只能信用卡付款,丢失很多国内的用户群。根据Akamai的计划,后面陆续会淡化甚至取消Linode品牌。


Since Akamai’s acquisition of Linode in early 2022, we’ve been hard at work to bring the platforms together under one roof. With the announcement of Akamai Connected Cloud, Linode is now fully integrated into the Akamai brand. Going forward, Linode’s services will be referred to as Akamai’s cloud computing services.

What is Akamai Connected Cloud?
Akamai Connected Cloud is a massively distributed edge and cloud platform for cloud computing, security, and content delivery. Akamai’s cloud computing services include the essential compute, storage, networking, database, and container management cloud services required to build, deploy, and secure applications and workloads everywhere businesses connect online. The cloud computing services running on Akamai Connected Cloud enable companies to distribute workloads and applications across the continuum of computing — from core to edge — to meet the challenges of cost, performance, and scale that centralized cloud computing platforms present today.

Expanding our mission
The Linode mission was about accelerating innovation by making cloud computing simple, affordable, and accessible. That mission continues as part of Akamai’s bold new vision, now with the full breadth of services that developers need, running on one of the world’s most distributed cloud platforms. It also will give developers access to:
Three new enterprise-scale core cloud computing sites across the U.S. and Europe. Adding to the existing 11 cloud computing sites, the new sites will plug into the Akamai backbone — connecting them to the most distributed edge network on the planet. They also become the template for 10 additional core sites we plan to roll out across the globe throughout the year.
More than 50 cities in which we plan to begin rolling out distributed sites this year, to bring basic cloud computing capabilities into difficult-to-reach locations currently underserved by traditional cloud providers. These regions offer a subset of Akamai’s cloud computing services but are identical in terms of availability and performance.
Aggressive new cloud egress pricing that uses the power of Akamai’s network to drive down the cost of cloud egress by bringing CDN-like economics to cloud data transfer. The new egress pricing model is designed to result in significantly discounted egress rates relative to the hyperscalers and alternative cloud providers.

New ISO, SOC 2, and HIPAA standards compliance, available immediately.
Over the next few months, you’ll notice some cosmetic changes to your Linode experience — such as seeing the Akamai logo where the Linode logo appeared. We’re also working to improve the overall flow between the two sites to maintain the simplicity that developers have come to know from Linode as well as introduce both developers and enterprises to new services running on Akamai Connected Cloud. Over time, you’ll also notice other design and user experience improvements based on our product roadmap. For now, there are no changes to Linode’s social channels, so continue using them to communicate with us.
What won’t change is the price-performance, portability, and award-winning support that developers love. We appreciate the trust you put in us and we’re excited to help you build, secure, and deploy your modern applications on a cloud built for the future.