Akamai收购Linode 巩固云服务器CDN和安全解决方案


Akamai 商家主要是提供云服务器安全解决方案的,比如CDN等。在Linode收购之后,将会继续保持Akamai的产品优势且会和Linode的云服务器等相关的云产品融合提供更多的适合云产品和服务的解决方案,这样可以用来弥补Linode商家在安全方面的产品广度。具体的部署和产品融合将会在第一季度完成,我们一起期待吧。这里老季一并将这封邮件分享出来。


I am excited to announce that Linode has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Akamai. You can read the official press release in our press room.

First things first: For the immediate future, we will continue to operate as we always have. Akamai has no intention of changing what has made us successful. This acquisition will propel us both forward — not take anything away. Linode will soon be able to call on the power of Akamai to offer entirely new products, services, expertise, locations, and scale, while Akamai will be able to tap into Linode’s deep expertise in compute, storage, and on-demand infrastructure-as-a-service.

If you don’t already know Akamai, they’ve been around since the early days of the web. They invented the CDN and operate the world’s most sophisticated content delivery platform. Over the years, they’ve added world class security and edge solutions to their portfolio, among other things.

There is natural synergy between Akamai and Linode, not only in our missions and cultures, but in the potent combination of strengths we each bring to the table. Combining Linode’s compute and storage products with Akamai’s serverless, CDN, and security solutions, will give customers a broader range of services to build, modernize, and scale the next generation of applications.

Today, we start a new chapter in Linode’s story – one that strengthens our position in a market increasingly looking for alternatives. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2022. In the meantime, we want to thank you — our customers — for supporting and empowering us to make cloud computing simple, affordable, and accessible.






